Friday, November 4, 2011

Flexible Thinkers Rise with Their Towers


  1. Dear Mrs. Koch, I love my color center. I love learing new colors like yellow-green and blue-violet. I learned a new color that is magenta. Are you learing new colors? Abigayle

  2. Hi Abigayle,
    I'm glad you are enjoying your Exploratory Center. I think my favorite place to learn new colors is in the fabric store or at the paint counter of stores like Home Depot. I like reading the names of the different colors on the color strip. Have you ever looked at the colors there?

  3. Happy Saturday & Hello Mrs. Koch,
    Frustrating but fun complacating designed tower. Let`s do this at the start of the year and at end of S.A.G.E. I love my new Exploratory center about Monet. I hopie I can do it again!
