Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013- What a Busy Day!

Don't forget about tonight's PAGS (Parents of Academically Gifted Students) Event, (I've got my ice cream scoop ready!)

Today we welcomed a new 2nd grade SAGE student.  She is going to be a great addition to our class!

We began our day with our math problem solving work.  Wdiscussed problem solving strategies we use regularly such as using objects and drawing a picture.  
Then I explained I needed to figure out how many pencils, ink pens and markers I had in the containers on my desk.  They tried using their fingers to keep track, but as I called out, "Ink pen, ink pen, pencil, marker, marker, marker, pencil, pencil..." they quickly lost count.   The students talked about other strategies to help them keep track so they could determine how many I had of each.  They tried the strategy of drawing pictures, but it was quickly ruled out as it was too slow.  

They finally settled on making a table.   With the three headings on their paper, they started again.  This time the tally marks or "X's" had each student with a perfect count.  This was definitely an appropriate strategy for solving a problem like this.  The students finished their math time working independently in our TOPS Math program. 

In the computer lab, the students worked on typing information about themselves for our SAGE Profile.  They shared about their outside interests and activities as well as academic strengths and weaknesses.  This will help me get to know each of them as a learner and as an individual.

In the afternoon, the students worked independently in our Exploratory Centers.  We are learning some interesting facts about constellations, robotics, teeth, puppets, volcanoes, scorpions, tarantulas and seahorses.  Most of the students have finished their knowledge level task and are currently working on the comprehension worksheet to show their understanding of the topic.  Ask your child about his/her current Exploratory work.

We ended our day working on our 2nd grade research skills and our SAGE Academic Vocabulary.  The boys and girls looked up and recorded the definition of the words:  independent, research and knowledge.  They really worked hard today!  They should be very proud of the efforts!

Have a great week!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Thursday's SAGE Class is Up & Rolling!

Woo Hoo!  I now have everyone's paperwork, and most importantly, their media release.  Thank you parents for helping me get these important "nuts and bolts" in place.

The boys and girls are settling in well.  This will be a two week, blog post mashup....

On our first SAGE day, the boys and girls spent some time getting to know each other a little better.  By the end of a fun game of "Would you rather...." we knew we all had some things in common.  

We discussed things for which we might wish.  Then looked at some folklore about wishes such as wishbones, coins in fountains, eyelashes, dandelions etc.  
prisage's Thursday SAGE album on Photobucket
After that we each wrote four wishes of our own and made a very special wish project that will be on display at our Open House on Thursday, October 3rd between 5:30-7:00 PM here in our SAGE classroom.

In the afternoon, the students took some time to look through the Exploratory Centers to find at least three they might be interested in starting.  

This week, they completed their Exploratory contract and were able to begin the Knowledge and in some cases Comprehension Level tasks.  They each made a podcast to tell you something special they learned during their Exploratory time.

 We ended our first day discussing ways we can communicate.  Besides blogging as a class, we will also be sharing our learning on Twitter.  Each of the students designed a bird of their own and posted their first "tweet" outside of our classroom on our bulletin board.

You can follow us @KochSAGE on Twitter.

This afternoon, the students had a few moments of frustration during our partner math problem solving work.  We began by working in pairs/groups on a cooperative learning math challenge.  The students were able to work together to find meaning in the problem, determine a strategy for solving the problem and then work it out showing their thinking.  

For many, this was a very different way to work on a problem.  Some of the students would have preferred to work on the problem alone.  A few sat back and let their partner lead the thinking and problem solving.  Some groups really showed cooperation and collaboration skills.  We will have pair/group math lessons about once or twice a month.  This is a great way to cement the learning of skills and strategies as they talk, analyze and explain their thinking to each each other.  

It is going to be a great school year!  Don't hesitate to call of email me if you or your child have any questions or concerns.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Can't Wait to See You!

SAGE will begin on Thursday, August 29.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Continuing Our Learning from the Warmth of Our Homes

So we have another snow day ahead of us tomorrow.  If you are tired of being home and want to continue our caves research, use the Padlet wall below to help you explore a virtual cave.  If you have trouble posting on the wall or can't remember how it works, view this screencast tutorial on Padlet:  
Then come back to our wall here, on our D Day blog to share your thoughts and ideas.

After your child has a chance to view the screencast tutorial on Padlet  

Tour the virtual cave. This is my very favorite caves website.  There are many pictures of the different types of caves.  Click on the dark pink links to see them.  Be sure and enter the "Solution Cave."  Solution cave is another name for limestone caves.

Be safe, stay warm and enjoy your snow day!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Enhancing Our Learning with Technology

This week, the D Day students learned more about the four kinds of caves and how they form.  Ask your child to tell you a little about each kind of cave.  Today we learned about ice caves and lava tubes.  After viewing and discussing each type of cave, the students did a small illustration to help them remember the characteristics of each type.

Next, the students were introduced to using   Padlet is like an online bulletin board.  I created the board and posted it here on our class blog.  I asked the students to share one thing they have learned about caves by posting it below on our board.  Before going to the computer, the students brainstormed ideas they have learned about caves and wrote a draft of their fact/s.

Next, we reviewed our Internet safety rules:
  • We use only first names.
  • We never post a photo of ourself along with our name.
  • We never share our person information.
     This includes:
  1. Our last name
  2. Our parents' names
  3. Our address or phone number
  4. The name of our home school, ball team, dance studio or scout troop number.
  5. We never share the personal information of any of our classmates or friends.
  6. We do not interact or "chat" with strangers on the Internet without the approval of our parents and/or teacher.
For some of our new students, this was their first introduction to staying safe on the Internet.  Keeping these rules in mind, the students made their first post on our Padlet page.

After lunch and recess and Spanish, we learned our next "Habit of Happy SAGE Kids," Listen with your ears, your eyes and your heart.  It is important to not only listen to someone's words, but also to be empathetic to their feelings too.

We ended our day working in the Problem Solver program.  Today's strategy was using a table to solve a problem.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sharing Our Learning

The students were introduced to, an online sight that allows users to collaborate and share their ideas.  Ask your child what he/she has learned about caves.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Using Our Imagination to Explore Chemistry and Analyze Oobleck

This week, our class learned about chemistry from our newest Quirkle, Kitchen Chemistry Kal.  Chemistry impacts everything we can smell, taste or touch.

For this lesson, the students pretended NASA had sent us a substance they collected with a space probe from a strange planet, in a far away galaxy.  The scientists from NASA named the substance, Oobleck, after the Dr. Seuss book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck.  We were told the substance was safe to handle, but we should not eat it.  Our job was to help the scientists by discovering and recording the properties of Oobleck-  and boy did we have fun doing it!   It had many properties that seemed like they were opposite of each other.  It was definitely a strange substance.

Today was the second day of our 7 Habits of Happy SAGE Kids unit.  In this lesson, we learned Habit #1 - Be Proactive.  The students realized that they are in control of their mood and actions.  The next time they're bored, they shouldn't come to you looking for something to do.  It's not your job to solve their boredom!  They learned how to take control of their own feelings/actions and if they're bored, how to be proactive and find something to do. 

In the afternoon, Senora Gates helped us practice our new Spanish words.  This week, we worked on color words, numbers and greetings.  Check out our numbers, music video!

Next, the students worked at their Exploratory center.  Ask your child about their current task.




We ended our day working on our math problem solving skills.

When the kindergarten students finished their math, they had a little time to play, "Spot It," a great game that strengthens perceptions and spatial relations skills.

What a busy day!

Taking Off with Jazzy Jet

Last week, we welcomed two new kindergarten students who have moved into our class.  They are great additions to our group!

We started our day by sharing a little about ourselves so the students could get to know each other better.

Next, we worked on our math problem solving skills. 

After lunch, we had our first Spanish lesson with Senora Gates.  Each student had a chance to choose a Spanish name and worked on the following vocabulary:

1.    Greetings - Hola, Buenas días

2.    Names - Me llamo… ¿Cómo te llamas? Mucho gusto.

3.    Colors - rojo, azul, blanco, negro, amarillo, verde, anaranjado, rosado, morado, gris, café o marrón.  Game-Levántense- Siéntense

5.    Numbers 1-10
Next, we met our newest Quirkle, Jazzy Jet.
From Jazzy Jet, we learned about Bernoulli's Principle and how it helps our Frisbee and huge airplanes fly!

In the afternoon, we began a new unit for our Affective Skills curriculum unit.  The unit is called The 7 Habits of Happy SAGE Kids.  Our unit is based on the book, The 7 Habits of Happy Kids, by Sean Covey.  (Sean Covey is the son of Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.)   As an introduction to our unit, we discussed what a habit is, then took a pretest to see what we knew about habits we have that make us happy. 

Through this book, we will have ten lessons focusing on self-awareness (perfectionism, giftedness, task commitment, dealing with stress, risk-taking, valuing yourself, goal setting, and underachievement) and social awareness (peer relations, ethics, empathy, conflict resolution, leadership, and self-advocacy).  The students will discover how the choices they make can affect their day, their relationships, and their future.  Each of the stories within the book introduces a positive habit.
It is good to be back from our break!  We had an exciting day!